Welcome to Ohio’s Free Online PBIS Professional Development
What Does it Take to Prepare our Students for the Future?
Ohio’s school communities, including the families that support them, are charged with the responsibility to prepare students to be successful young adults in the 21st century world. Whether they enroll in a 2-year or 4-year college, career technical program or apprenticeship, enlist in the military or seek employment, each student should graduate from high school equipped with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be competitive and successful and to reach their full potential wherever their path takes them.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a framework for all learners, from prekindergarten through grade 12, that makes this goal a reality.
Video: PBIS: A Framework that Prepares Students
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Ohio’s Free Online Professional Development
Interested in learning about PBIS for the first time, taking your knowledge about positive behavioral supports even further, or advancing your understanding about how to implement this important framework? There are resources here for you. If you work with young children in early childhood settings, check out the Education Station for the PBIS and Young Learners Series.
Find the online training that fits your specific needs!
Top Resource: It Takes the Whole Building
Learn the fundamentals of PBIS through a series of short videos that show actual examples of PBIS implementation.
Also Consider:
Top Resources:
- All PBIS Training Option A – Learning the Basics
- Supporting the Whole Child
- Data-based Decision Making
- Developing a Schoolwide Teaching Matrix
- Foundations for Teaching Expectations
- Teaching Expectations
Top Resource: Tier 1 Schoolwide Module Series
This resource is ideal for PBIS teams in the implementation of their PBIS Framework using the new TFI 3.0 to scale up fidelity.
Modules Include:
- Setting the Stage for PBIS
- Developing an Acknowledgement System
- Developing a PBIS Building Leadership Team
- Addressing Contextually Inappropriate Behavior
- Establishing Team Operating Procedures
- Systems for Addressing Contextually Inappropriate Behavior
- Developing Schoolwide Expectations
- Responding to Crisis Behaviors
- Developing a Schoolwide Teaching Matrix
- Comprehensive Data
- Foundations for Teaching Expectations
- Analyzing Data to Make Informed Decisions
- Teaching Expectations
- Introduction to Acknowledgement
Also Consider:
PBIS: Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)This resource supports teams that are still using the TFI 2.1 and are not yet ready to move ahead with the new TFI 3.0.
PBIS and Young Learners SeriesThis resource can be used by teams that work with young children in early childhood settings.
Contact the regional State Support Team or Educational Service Center for consultants who can provide coaching support throughout implementation.
New! Teams Portal for Administrators and Regional & District Coaches
Features include the ability to:
- Assign modules to team members.
- Monitor the progress of team members.
- Generate completion reports.
- Email reminders to team members directly from the portal.

What Does this Website Offer?

Modules that support Ohio law and rules

Flexible on-demand modules at no cost

Short learning chapters to fit busy schedules

Reflection questions, activities, sample documents, templates, and notetakers to support your online learning

Video examples of best practices and interviews with educators, staff, students, families, and administrators

Certificates and credit available*
*Modules have Ohio-Approved (OA) designation through Ohio Child Care Resource and Referral Association (OCCRRA) for completion on this website only
A Framework for Strong and Successful School Communities
What is PBIS?
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) unites schools and families as partners in creating a strong and successful community where each student can thrive and reach their potential. It is a structured yet flexible framework that guides PreK—12 school teams in the selection, integration and implementation of evidence-based practices for improving academic, social and behavior outcomes for all students. PBIS is a proactive approach to teaching ALL students positive skills they will use throughout their lives.
Four Elements of PBIS
From the school’s community to drive the school’s decisions.
Evidence-Based Practices
Proven to be effective so that each student can succeed.
Systems of Implementation
Take the guesswork out of getting it right. Add predictability and consistency to the school building.
Know that practices are working. Make changes when they are not.

PBIS is a multi-tiered system of support, which means that most students will be successful with the schoolwide approach to high quality, research-based instruction but that some students may need more intensive support for a variety of reasons.
PBIS teams rely on data to identify which students may benefit from targeted interventions; these teams monitor the impact of evidence-based practices to ensure that students are making progress.
Learn more at Ohio Department of Education and Workforce.

Better for Students, Families, Educators, Staff and Administrators
- Students understand what is expected of them and have opportunities to practice and get feedback, which gives them a stronger sense of self-efficacy as they better manage their own behaviors.
- A safe, predictable learning environment means that students can focus on learning, striving toward academic achievement and reaching their full potential.
- Students develop essential behaviors and skills needed for success in whatever path they pursue after graduation, skills like teamwork, conflict resolution and persistence.
- The building becomes a place where students take pride in their community and engage with peers and adults in positive, respectful relationships.
- Schools and families work together so that students, no matter the age or ability, understand what is expected of them and how to do it.
- Fewer disruptions in the classroom and common spaces, such as the cafeteria, hallways and bus, mean that students spend more time engaged in high quality instruction.
- The team-based approach values families as active partners in creating a strong and successful school community.
- With families directly involved in implementation, their perspectives and experiences inform decision-making and shape practices to meet the needs of all students.
- The school community has an agreed-upon set of expectations for students' behaviors which provides clarity and consistency for teachers, staff and administrators.
- The building becomes a place where students take pride in their community and engage with peers and adults in positive, respectful relationships.
- Fewer disruptions in the classroom and common spaces, such as the cafeteria, hallways and bus, mean that teachers spend more time providing high quality instruction to students.
- Operations become more efficient and effective by streamlining various initiatives within one framework, which reduces initiative fatigue, confusion about priorities, duplication of efforts and competition over school resources.
- A systems-level team approach makes changes more achievable and sustainable.
Partnerships Make this Training Possible
Ohio PBIS Network and OCALI
The Ohio PBIS Network and OCALI have collaborated with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce to develop materials, resources and training to support the scaling up of PBIS in Ohio schools.